Today was the second major step in my Miss Arkansas journey (the first being the night I won my preliminary title)! We turned in our platforms and resumes today which make up the application for the job that is Miss Arkansas, and the judges will use those as a first impression and a sounding board for our private interviews. For those of you that don't know, my platform is titled "Empowering Musical Minds" because I hope to bring awareness about the benefits that come from listening to music consistently and actively participating. It's crazy the physical health benefits such as faster recovery time and pain relief from surgeries, as well as improved memory and function in your older years. At to that the focus and stress relief gained from listening to music, it's no wonder that music is a staple in my life and should be in everyone's!

Anyways, I've gotten mildly off topic. I have Miss Arkansas fever. After competing in 13 (!!!) preliminaries last year, I got a little spoiled about always having my Miss Arkansas sisters around and the confidence boost that is performing on stage. I'm having some serious withdrawals, because I won in October! I finally found a talent song I truly connect with just two weeks ago on the same day that I got my MISS ARKANSAS EVENING GOWN. And did I mention that it's the first evening gown that is all mine that I picked out and tried on? So, to wrap all of that all up, I'm stoked and ready to give my heart to the Miss Arkansas judges, and hopefully all of America if I fulfill my dream of becoming Miss Arkansas.
I also want to give a shout out to my Diamond State Princess Mary Camille Lambert and her parents Chris and Cristal Lambert for letting me experience not only the week of Miss Arkansas, but the rest of my time as Miss Petit Jean Valley as well!
So... the lottery. I knew that I wanted my last impression before finals on Saturday to be talent, because this is the first song that I just knew I was meant to sing. Going into the lottery, I wanted to be group C and one of the first to go so that I could enjoy the evening rather than spending the night filled with anxiety. I was the 5th or 6th to go and I found my perfect spot. You are looking at contest C34 out of 46 girls vying for the title of Miss Arkansas! Check out my facebook album that has some pictures for today.
For those of you that are coming to Miss Arkansas, remember that Greeks get in free on Friday and Saturday, as well as Cheer members I believe! Thank you so much for your continued support!
Speaking of support!!!!!!
It means the world to me to have been sponsored by my sorority- Sigma Sigma Sigma at the University of Central Arkansas.
I was also sponsored by George S. Mackey, CPA, and how fitting is that a future CPA was sponsored by a CPA? Thank you George and Alex for your support!
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